The Quest for Anna Klein by Thomas H Cook

The Quest for Anna Klein - book cover

The question was never whether she would live or die, for that had been decided long ago.

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Best Thrillers -  The Quest for Anna Klein 5

Little spies – they were just little spies. Their’s was a little game, until Anna remembered the advice; to kill a snake you have to cut off it’s head. And the head in question this time was Adolf Hitler. So the three of them, Anna, Bannion and Danforth, got permission from Clayton to change the ‘Project’. Danforth helped them get close to the man, Bannion got the pistol, the cyanide pills for himself and Anna and, courtesy of Rache, his source, intelligence about Hitler’s movements. Only it fell at the last hurdle and betrayal was in the air.

Best Thrillers -  The Quest for Anna Klein 6

Danforth eventually returned to the fray of regular clandestine wartime action, but never gave up on Anna. At war’s end he obsessively looked for the woman he’d been told was dead. Nurenburg, Ukraine and Moscow were where the trail led. Lubyanka was the first of many prisons he visited; labour camps that reached further and further east, right through the Gulag and up to the Road of Skulls. Paying the price for playing the big game. A game in which Anna played her part; a game where betrayal and deceit vie with conviction and the truth.