Redemption Road by John Hart

Redemption Road - book cover

Powerful, deep, dark. A story  with more than enough secrets, twists and turns.

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Best Mystery -  Redemption Road 1

Elizabeth Black is a policewoman of thirteen years standing. That might not be enough to keep her out of trouble. She rescued Channing Shore, a teenager who had been abducted, and that had ended like the Gunfight at the OK corral. Two kidnappers dead – eighteen bullets fired. That got her suspended. Excessive use of force is the least of the charges she faces.

Best Mystery -  Redemption Road 2

Ex-cop, ex-con, is what Adrian Walls is. He was a rockstar cop that Elizabeth looked up to. No matter what anyone said about him, she had her own reasons to believe in him. For her, he should never have gone to prison; he had to be innocent. As a rookie cop she got into trouble more than once when she tried to prove that… Now he is being let out of prison – on parole. Now, the only person waiting for him is Gideon, the fourteen-year-old son of the woman he was in prison for killing – he doesn’t have forgiveness in his heart.