The Blackhouse by Peter May

The Blackhouse - book cover

Going back to your roots is not always a good experience.

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Best Thrillers -  The Blackhouse 5

Firstly, there is a rape victim who claims her attacker is the murder victim. Then a priest who is prepared to lie.  Above all else, an island that will protect the truth.  All these conspire against Fin’s desire to uncover the identity of the killer.

Wishing to put old ghosts to rest, Fin visits a familiar face and reminder of the accident that has haunted him ever since, and is surprised by the truth that unfolds.

Best Thrillers -  The Blackhouse 6

The guga hunters prepare for their cull. An old flame makes a shocking confession and Fin realises that once again he is drawn to the rock he was so desperate to forget.

In a race against time, Fin fights to save the innocent, but is unprepared for what comes to light.

He is reminded of the unwritten law that guides the lives of all those who live on the island; “What happens on the rock, stays on the rock.”