The Blackhouse by Peter May

The Blackhouse - book cover

Going back to your roots is not always a good experience.


Marsaili's story
- It was him.... it was always him for me but not after what he did. There was no going back. So I settled, and now this is all life has for me.

Artair's story
- He always had it so easy. Better looking, girls loved him, then he gets some hotshot job in Edinburgh. Well he didn’t win. Not in the end. I did. I won.

Fin MacLeod's story
- All I wanted was to get off this damn island, but I can’t forget my past. Maybe if I’d made different choices.....maybe it would have been better...

Gigs MacAuley's story
- The guga hunt is an important tradition. It turns boys into men and binds us together in the experience. But the rock will break you if you let it, and things have happened there….things that will never be spoken about. But we remember. We all remember.