Blue Rondo by John Lawton

Blue Rondo - book cover

rondo: a repeated theme, interspersed with episodic variations.

Blue Rondo A La Turk : Dave Brubeck

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Nailing the ‘baddies’

Best Thrillers -  Blue Rondo 5

Troy’s brother has political ambitions – a place in the cabinet if Labour wins the upcoming election. Those he keeps company with play the game at the highest level. That makes him the subject of overtures from those with a veneer of respectability looking for favours – themselves caught in the snares of money-making schemes.

Below that surface there is violence on the streets. Another body. This one carelessly left to be found. Hacked. Difficult to identify. The next one is even worse. Shot, cruelly tortured and discarded. Except he can be identified, and stands too close to Troy for comfort. Politics, villainy and emotional debris are proving a heady brew. Some of which has to find its way into the papers.

Best Thrillers -  Blue Rondo 6

Keeping to the rules was never Troy’s strong point and there are too many loose ends to tidy up for him to change the habits of a lifetime.

Destroying the keystone of a blackmail scheme, threatening to use a Magnum gun, exposing an informer, setting up one of the foot soldiers, all those events eventually force the killers into the open.

And Troy has to find his own way to close the files.