I'm Not Scared by Niccolo Ammaniti

I'm Not Scared - book cover

How much trouble can children get into in the summer heat of Italy? Sometimes it’s too much to handle.

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It was one summer…

Best Mystery -  I'm Not Scared 1

One of those summers that go on forever. Well, they always do when you are just nine years old. But how does a gang of youngsters pass the time when they live in the countryside of Southern Italy? By having adventures and derring-do and races with forfeits for the losers – and it’s the girl who is the loser every time.

Best Mystery -  I'm Not Scared 2

There’s always one of the group who will be her white knight. Taking her place and saving her the embarrassment of a revealing exposure can only lead to a more reckless forfeit. What the gang says goes. Clambering through a tumbledown building stirs up fear but it leads Michele to a find – a secret find